
Welcome to the portal of Psychedelic Integration Therapy (PIT).
I can help create you more meaning, healing, and purpose from your psychedelic experience.

WHAT is Psychedelic Integration Therapy?

There has been a recent groundswell of interest in the healing properties of psychedelics and it is continuing to blossom with a loosening of laws, increased academic research centers, and the rise of ketamine treatment centers. Psychedelics are moving from underground treatment sessions, overseas retreats, and the festival and music scene to an above-the-ground psychological treatment modality. This is greatly thanks to the hard work of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic Research, Ana Sholgrin, and Stan Grof among others.

As a licensed Psychologist with a life long interest in altered states of consciousness and the Transpersonal, I am excited about this new frontier. Psychedelic Integration Therapy (PIT) is the psychological preparation before and/or post psychological/spiritual integration work after a psychedelic experience.

I do not prescribe, obtain, or sell psychedelics nor do I have any expertise in substance dosage amounts as these are not aspects of Psychedelic Integration Therapy (PIT). Psychedelic Integration Therapy is a healing modality using talk therapy. A lot of information maybe transmitted during a psychedelic session. PIT is way of decoding, deciphering, and translating that information to guide one’s life.

HOW Psychedelic Integration Therapy (PIT) can create more meaning, healing, and purpose to your psychedelic experience.

For those seekers who want more from our world than the everyday mundane, altered states of consciousness can help us to create connections to the mythic, magic, and spiritual rather than becoming buried beneath layers of stresses, fears, and time constraints. It is my profound belief that these altered states of consciousness have the potential to connect us to the Transpersonal connections of timeless stories and archetypes. The Transpersonal is where our personal stories merge with archetypes of the collective unconscious. It is this portal to the Transpersonal where we are all connected—common humanity. Psychedelic Integration Therapy (PIT) is a safe place to unpack and allow the characters in our personal story to transform into the mythical.

Often times it is not enough to have the medicine session alone—one must make sense of what happened in the session. PIT assists one in creating lasting psychological synthesis of the peak experience encountered in a psychedelic session. PIT is the metabolism of the psychedelic experience from the personal story to the living collective mythic life. Psychedelic Integration Therapy (PIT) allows for a deeper mining of the dimensions of your story. PIT helps connect you to your story—like a compass—despite the distractions from your day to day routine and world.

I have been a licensed Psychologist (lisashieldsphd.com) for more than 30 years and have extensive experience in treating high functioning adults with trauma, anxiety, depression, and addictions. Through my practice, I can offer a depth of tools and coping mechanisms along your journey.

With more than 30 years of experience in the studies of Transpersonal Psychology, Jungian dreamwork and psychology, and altered states of consciousness, I am particularly adept at exploring myths, symbols, and images from the Unconscious.

Thanks to my own 40 years of experience with psychedelics, I can offer a depth of knowledge of the psychological subterranean aspects, mystical, spiritual, healing opportunities, and hell states that often are part of a psychedelic journey.

WHO I can assist:

– Potential clients who have had psychedelic experiences that they want to explore in a safe nonjudgmental experienced space.

– Therapists who are inexperienced in this realm and would like consultation on their client’s psychedelic experiences.

– Those who work with psychedelics on their own whether it be heroic doses, micro dosing or more recreational use and desire a safe place to explore these experiences in a safe and confidential environment.

Over the past 30 years of being a licensed Clinical Psychologist, I have utilized Psychedelic Integration Therapy (PIT) with many of my clients to explore their feelings of profound openings, healings, awakenings, insights, and self compassion after their own psychedelic experiences.

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I do not prescribe, obtain, or sell psychedelics nor do I have any expertise in substance dosage amounts as these are not aspects of Psychedelic Integration Therapy (PIT). Please do not contact me if this is what you are seeking.